The Puppy Training Podcast

Episode #138 The First Week Together

April 20, 2023 Baxter & Bella Puppy Training Season 6 Episode 138
The Puppy Training Podcast
Episode #138 The First Week Together
Show Notes Transcript

Today I want to answer a question that recently came to my inbox. 

This client writes, “Hello! We’re on our way to pick up our puppy! One question on the first week together program - should I do one section a day or review the entire week's lessons and practice the content over seven days before moving on. So excited but a little nervous and very glad to have this resource! Thanks!” 

Tune in to hear our answer!

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The First Week Together

Happy spring everyone! We can finally see our grass. It is so nice to be able to run around outside without a coat, boots and mittens! My dogs love rolling around in the grass and finding the sunniest spot in the yard to relax. 

I hope you are having a good week too. With dog training I know some days are good and others are frustrating. What’s important is that you remain consistent and give you and your dog grace. We are on a journey! And it is NOT a race or competition in any way. 

Today I want to answer a question that recently came to my inbox. 

This client writes, “Hello! We’re on our way to pick up our puppy! One question on the first week together program - should I do one section a day or review the entire week's lessons and practice the content over seven days before moving on. So excited but a little nervous and very glad to have this resource! Thanks!” 

GREAT QUESTION. First, before I answer this, did you catch that we have a FIRST WEEK TOGETHER section? This talks about everything you are going to need to know in the first week with your puppy. There are eight lessons both with written content and short 2-3 minute video clips throughout. 

In addition to that, we have a PREPARING FOR MY PUPPY section. This is BEFORE THE FIRST WEEK TOGETHER and is more in depth on things you’ll want to know right out of the gates. SO, if you do not yet have your dog, but know you are getting one, please join our program now so you have time to prepare. We find clients who get in early and start building their training toolbelt are much less overwhelmed when their dog arrives. Sounds nice right? It is. Back to the question…

The truth is that during the first 1-2 weeks, everything happens all at once, which is why it can be overwhelming in the very beginning until you get into a routine. For example, puppies need to learn about their crate in the beginning because they will spend a fair amount of time in it both during the day and at night, so there is a lesson on that. But you aren't going to wait to start the lesson on housetraining until the crate is taken care of because your puppy will pee in the corner - that is a must from the beginning too. 

Then on top of that, it's likely your puppy will try to get your attention by jumping on you, biting you, etc... which is lesson 1.8 and no one wants to wait a full week or two to start that lesson so you will want to get going on that as well.

As you can see, all of this can be overwhelming, so review the materials as best you can. It comes quickly in the beginning until you get into a routine and then slows down tremendously as you begin to approach things one at a time in a couple of weeks :) We find taking 5-10 minutes here and there throughout the day on any of those first 8 topics is hugely beneficial. The system is a learning module program so you can jump around as needed from topic to topic, lesson to lesson. Once you are inside a module, look to the left side of your screen for the menu. You may scroll down and select any lesson anytime. 

Things we include that first week are: creating a daily schedule, building a bond and initial socialization, getting your puppy’s attention and teaching them their name, housetraining, crate training, puppy biting, jumping and barking, sit to say please and marker training - or using yes and no. 

We include written content for those who like to read the details, video content for those who just want to watch and longer video content in the form of classes and courses, available on demand, for you to really dive in and learn about dog training topics. 

As you go through the FIRST WEEK TOGETHER, feel free to schedule a live one-on-one video call with our trainers to introduce us to your puppy and ask you specific questions! We really want you to be successful and so we offer a variety of services to help you. We know our program is comprehensive. Rather than feel like you need to complete it all, when you first arrive we encourage you to set three goals. 

Choosing three things to focus on initially helps you stay on task and keeps you from getting discouraged. These goals may change as your dog grows! We are happy to coach you through any of them as needed. Did I mention these calls are not extra? I know! It’s pretty awesome. Our team of professional trainers would love to talk with you. Using zoom, we can see you and your puppy so we can effectively coach you on how to get specific behaviors from your dog. 

After the FIRST WEEK TOGETHER, the fun doesn’t stop. You move right into BASIC TRAINING. Your dog learns how to settle during the day, basics like sit, down, stay, come and leave it. We teach beginning leash skills and how to get an item back from your dog too. 

From our client’s feedback, we hear really good things. Even if you decide to take your puppy to a local puppy kindergarten class (this can be a really good thing for your dog!) your puppy will likely be the star of the show with the basics we teach you. Think of us as your training go-to throughout the week - and then you can enjoy that one hour of in-person puppy class you signed up for. We are here the rest of the week to coach and support you, as well as answer any questions that pop up along the way. And you can take our zoom version of puppy kindergarten, we call it BASIC TRAINING, where we can put your camera on to show off to the group, or watch without being on video and practice along with others around the world. It is so fun to meet and interact with people all over the world with the common goal of teaching their dog to live in a human environment - our homes. 

We love what we do! So to answer this question we started with, feel free to skip around that first week to get your questions answered when you have them. Within the first 1-2 weeks you will start to settle into a routine, your puppy will as well, and you will have more brain power to focus on harder things. Until then, relax, enjoy your new dog and we are here for you when you need us. 

If you’re getting a new dog soon, any age dog as we help all dogs of all ages and backgrounds, send us pictures to @baxterandbella. We want to celebrate with you! Have an awesome week and happy training.